Patricia Johnson
Bookbinding Workshops
E: or P: 802.365.4111 to set up a workshop time and date that works for you!
Great for birthday parties or family reunions or gifts!
Bookbinding Workshops
Bookbinding Workshops are available for all ages throughout the year. You will use archival materials to make a project of your choice. The projects range in ability, from beginners to professionals who need to use the board shear and other bookbinding tools to complete their projects.
Novices can enjoy a simple introduction to bookbinding, such as a star books or simple one-signature journals.
For experienced bookbinders, delve into a more complicated structure that you want to explore.
More involved book structures, such as a hard-cover Japanese stab binding album (picture above in the silver and gold with a maroon ribbon binding), hard cover journals (pictured above with the Japanese wave decorative paper), or exposed-sewing journals (such as the plain purple cover with orange and yellow sewing shown above), usually take between 4 to 5 hours to complete.
Class Size: limited to a maximum of five participants, so you get lots of one-on-one instruction.
Current Workshops: by appointment.
Level: beginner to experienced.
Age Recommendation: Five-years old through adult. (An adult must take the workshop with anyone under 12 years of age.)
Time: minimum two-hour session recommended
Group Classes: $45 per person per hour, for groups more than one.
Private classes: $75 per person per hour.
Please contact Patricia to discuss your project and for pricing and availability:
P: 802.365.4111